Friday, June 24, 2011

From Stem to Stern

Throughout the past week I beveled the keelson, transom, and the inner stem by hand. Keeping a good sharp plane and sharp chisles is key to a smooth even bevel.

Laying battons across the forms gives the angle at which each strake will lay at the stem.

With a Japanese pull saw I make a thin cut into the stem at the angle the botton shows. This will be my guide for planing. Each cut for each strake has a slightly different angle and when joined together by planing, will give a smooth rolling bevel.

This same proccess is followed again  for each strake land on the transom.  Very slow but relaxing work, as you bring the wood into shape for the planks. The feel of the wood shaving off is very zen like.

At this point I have put about 35 hours into the project and feel very comfortable with the progress that has been made.

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