I later decided this looked a bit plain and cut a mortise in the center to inset a peice of cypress.
I believe the looks much better and helps kick off the breast hook.
This took a lot longer than expected because I wasn't pleased with the first attemept using a laminated bentwood quarter knee. I hade made these at the same time as I made the knees for the twarts. The look was just not what I liked for this area, so I stepped back and created this version that gives the trasom a strong caracter.
With these completed the shear of the boat is complete and I can begin work on the interior fit out. You may notice in the last image that I have also glued the risers in. These peices are placed at a given depth from the shear and run parallel down both sides from the trasom to the forawrd thwart.
As always they are screwed in until the epoxy cures then the screws are removed and the holes will be plugged.
The stem has also been trimmed down and shaped.
On to the interior fit out...
With these in place the twarts are measured and spiled to fit at each of the three positions, fore, aft, and amidship.
The aft twart has a beam under it and I have cut this and given it a slight decoration.
The picture below shows how the laminated bentwood knees will be placed on the forward twart.